Photo by Ben Walker

Across their career, Lower Than Atlantis have continuously maintained the persona of a modern rock staple for so many in the UK scene. Having five absolutely colossal albums under their belts which bring more riff and electricity than the last, they are truly a band who are on top of their game. Tonight when they play a sold out Concorde 2, this Hertfordshire four-piece prove they are not only living up to their reputable title but, despite being around for over 11 years, are showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

Opening tonight are Australian heartthrobs The Faim, who are quickly gaining a great level of momentum themselves. It’s clear that many are excited for their set and, as the band proceed, they bring with them the first blast of upbeat energy which gets the evening underway. The vocal control from singer Josh Raven is simply incredible, holding not only power, but a great deal of raw emotion which really brings each track to life. Be sure to get on board with this band as they’re surely destined for big things. Milk Teeth follow and also provide a terrific level of both madness and brutally heavy riffs that this crowd were more than eager to indulge in. Both acts have done their jobs immensely well and as the time comes, this crowd are more than geared up for the headliner.

As Lower Than Atlantis burst into view, they open with the titanic ‘Had Enough’, the lead single from their 2017 release Safe In Sound. The riff is more than enough to get this crowd unleashing their energy and early mosh pits immediately spread their way through the room. Vocalist Mike Duce is simply mesmerising, not only is he able to uphold brutal and complex riffs but is equally able to bring his powerful vocal strength to the room without dropping a note. As the track comes to an end, the crowd release a deafening level of applause and excitement, it’s clear that many have been waiting for this evening for a while!

As the set continues, it brings with it diversity from all of the band’s past releases. Tracks such as ‘Ain’t No Friend’ and even ‘Far Q’ from the band’s 2010 album make warmly welcomed appearances that, from the level of chanting that occurs, is clear this audience are more than pleased to see live. The set truly does only go from strength to strength as Mike and the band all dominate the stage and throw themselves against their amps. The mosh pits continue relentlessly until Mike calls for a halt, proceeding to make his way into the middle of the room armed with just his acoustic guitar. From here he performs an unplugged rendition of ‘Another Sad Song’, which results in the crowd flooding the venue with a choir-like chorus of the emotional song, a truly special moment to witness. The pause in pacing doesn’t last long, however, and the group quickly return to the colossal sounds and express their gratitude for everyone coming down this evening.

It’s rare to see a band remain so passionate and interactive with their audience after so long, typically too many play the ‘too cool for you’ act, however, Lower Than Atlantis seem just as humble as if this was their first time playing a venue this size. The evening ends with the incredible summer hit, ’English Kids In America’ and even bigger ‘Here We Go’, allowing for one final flourish of moshing, crowd-surfing and madness; Mike even proceeds to throw himself on top of the crowd, surfing over them as he continues to play the song’s infectious riff, a brilliantly sweaty end to an equally sweaty evening.

Bands like Lower Than Atlantis are few and far between, there are too few examples of bands who remain this passionate to play to their audiences. 11 years is an incredibly long time for any band to maintain their sound and far too many simply trickle out of public domain, however, it is clear that for Lower Than Atlantis, their story is only just getting started and they are here to stay for the long run. Tonight’s performance was a terrific demonstration of the sheer quality of rock the UK continues to output to the world and very little can be faulted on such an evening of brilliant music.

Ben Walker
